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How Long Is a Check Good For? Tips for Old Checks

what is a stale dated check

There are actually some benefits to have checks outstanding as well, though. Writing checks makes it possible for organizations and individuals to make payments without requiring instantaneous cash or electronic transactions to be completed. Checks that linger only buy the company more time to gather up enough resources for payment to clear if more time is needed. Last, outstanding checks might have an impact on management of https://www.bookstime.com/ the cash flow. According to the official definition, stale-dated checks are those checks which are at least 6 months that are 180 days old.

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what is a stale dated check

Outstanding checks aren’t necessarily inherently bad; however, there are some risks and https://www.instagram.com/bookstime_inc downsides to have checks linger. With $0 minimum to open online and Low Cash Mode® to help avoid overdrafts. Treasury checks include those from the IRS, the Social Security Administration, Defense Finance and Accounting Service for the DOD, the Office of Personnel Management, and Veterans Affairs. Ultimately, it may depend on the type of check involved, explained in detail below, and what the bank chooses to do. Bonnie Honeycutt is a New York Times best-selling editor who also works as a freelance journalist, ghost writer, and writing coach. She currently works full-time as a senior editor at a major book publisher and resides in Nashville, Tennessee.

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If you deposit a check from a closed account, the check will bounce, and your bank may charge you fees for depositing a bad check. It’s also a good idea to monitor your account and keep an eye out for outstanding checks that you’ve written. That way, you’re not only aware of your financial standing, but also shielding yourself from issuing a check when there aren’t sufficient funds to cover it. Freezing an account will prevent all outstanding checks from clearing.

what is a stale dated check

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  • Even if banks are only legally required to honor checks for a six-month period, it is usually a good idea to avoid any potential problems by depositing checks when you receive them.
  • However, a person may no longer be able to deposit or cash a check after it has become stale.
  • If you find an old traveler’s check, you can always cash it in with the issuer or spend it wherever it’s accepted.
  • Banks are still allowed to process a stale check as long as the institution deems the funds are good.
  • A check with “void” written on it means no one can cash or deposit it.

It’s best to the money order issuer for details—it can get complicated. For example, domestic USPS money orders are good indefinitely, but international money orders can expire. The content on this page provides general consumer information. This information may include links or references to third-party resources or what is a stale dated check content. We do not endorse the third-party or guarantee the accuracy of this third-party information.

what is a stale dated check

We are an independent, advertising-supported comparison service. There are a few ways to determine if a check is stale, whether you got it or wrote it. However, dealing with physical checks poses a challenge – keeping track of their whereabouts. They can easily be misplaced or accidentally discarded with other waste. Losing a check or delaying its deposit can result in it becoming stale-dated. You should also keep diligent records of your attempts to contact the business owner.


  • U.S. Treasury checks expire one year from the date they were issued.
  • Losing a check or delaying its deposit can result in it becoming stale-dated.
  • Unless otherwise stated, most checks are good to cash within 180 days.
  • There are a few ways to determine if a check is stale, whether you got it or wrote it.
  • In particular, they have expertise in banking for foreigners, non-residents, and both foreign and offshore companies.
  • Tracking of payments can be accomplished through the use of checks, which provide both a paper trail and evidence of payment.

Sometimes, the issuing bank may mention an expiration date on the check. The only exception is a certified check, which must be honored even after 180 days. Checks that have been outstanding for over six months are considered “stale” and cannot be cashed. A “stale” check — one that hasn’t been cashed within six months of the original issue date — can cause you problems and cost you in bank fees. It’s important to know that when you get a check it may not be valid forever.

What to do if a business owner notices stale dated checks in his books?

what is a stale dated check

After the expiration date, the bank may consider the funds unclaimed property and transfer them to the state in a process called escheating2. However, you can still contact the bank and request a replacement for a stale cashier’s check. Cashier’s checks can be complicated, and state law affects how long those payments are good for. Banks might not accept a cashier’s check for deposit after 90 days because the issuing bank could return the check unpaid after that time.

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